Designed to help young people choosing subjects to study at level 3, these leaflets provide ideas of the higher education courses they could study after A levels or vocational qualifications. On the reverse of each leaflet is information about how to research higher education courses and institutions. They are useful in the main school resource area as well as in classrooms. Aimed at young people in Year 11 who are deciding what to study at level 3 and those young people who are already on level 3 courses in sixth form or at college.
This set of HE Ideas leaflets supports schools and colleges in meeting Gatsby Benchmarks 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Published: April 2023
The subjects covered in the HE Ideas leaflet set are:
- Applied science
- Art and design
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Computing
- Economics
- English
- Geography
- Health and social care
- History
- Languages
- Law
- Maths
- Media studies
- PE/sport
- Performing arts
- Physics
- Politics
- Psychology
- Religious studies
- Sociology

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