
Services for schools and colleges

Like all education professionals, we take our role in the development of young people seriously. For 25 years we have worked alongside schools and colleges to ensure that academic potential and career aspirations go hand-in-hand.

We offer a unique, individualised service for every young person we work with to ensure that they maximise their careers journey.

For more information on how we can deliver personalised careers services in your school or college please contact Joel Robinson, Business Development Manager, on 01484 242000 or email enquiries@ckcareers.co.uk.



Our in-school services include: 

  • A full-service, flexible, local careers company with established links to local and regional employers and partners
  • Qualified, skilled, quality assured careers advisers working across all education types 
  • Flexibility, we can work individually within a school, or collectively to support events within our wider network 
  • Support for the learner journey with young people from Year 7 up to the age of 18 (25 for those with SEND)
  • Advice on statutory guidance/policy and adapting practice as needed in line with current thinking
  • Advice to help schools and colleges meet statutory responsibilities, Gatsby Benchmarks and how to embed strategic policies and procedures

Our 360º 'vision of provision' enables us to deliver accurate, informed, impartial guidance and specialist knowledge, ensuring ‘the first choice is the right choice’ and reducing churn. This supports schools with good progression outcomes and reduces drop-out in post-16 institutions.

We are committed to ensuring that every young person progresses and thrives in the best positive destination for themselves. This not only benefits the young person, but also individual schools and colleges via improved outputs and demonstrable actions towards Ofsted and Gatsby requirements.

For more information on how we can deliver personalised careers services in your school or college please contact Joel Robinson, Business Development Manager, on 01484 242000 or contact us using the details below.



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Services for schools and colleges

Nexus In-School: Turning work placements into life changing opportunities

Could you offer a work placement and potentially change the life of a young person?

Why partner with C+K?

For over 25 years we have been providing high quality, career-enhancing services for young people. Based in West Yorkshire we employ over 120 staff. Whilst primarily we deliver intensive support across Calderdale and Kirklees, we work with organisations, schools and colleges across the UK. Our...

MyDirections - One year on

It has been over a year since C+K's new careers platform MyDirections was launched, and we have been reflecting on the website's usage, content and what has proved most popular with users. You can download our 'MyDirections - One year' on infographic from the downloads...

IAG services for young people (11-19)

We offer high quality, impartial guidance services for schools and colleges. All our IAG services are aligned against Gatsby Benchmarks and current Ofsted requirements.

Careers information resources

Great careers information and LMI resources promote the importance of CEIAG and support decision making in young people's career journeys.

Virtual Work Experience

Our virtual World of Work (WOW) programme includes preparation activities which can be accessed by teachers, video clips featuring employers and opportunities, job sector information designed to engage and inspire, plus activities for student debrief and reflection.

Meeting Ofsted and the Gatsby Benchmarks

Our careers advisers are fully equipped to support schools in preparing for, and delivering, the CEIAG aspects of the new Ofsted framework.

Minimising NEET and Dropout

Schools are integral to their local communities and - with young people who are NEET more likely to stay in their immediate area - the importance of minimising NEET is important for schools, young people and society as a whole. C+K have been very successful in working with schools to implement NEET...

For more information contact our specialist schools and colleges team

If you would like to know more about our careers services for schools and colleges please don't hesitate to give me a call or drop me an email using the contact details below.
Joel Robinson, Business Development Manager
Contact our team: 01484 242000

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