Supporting young people not in education, employment or training
Find out how our Careers Advisers support young people not in education, employment or training to successfully take their next steps.
Supporting young people not in education, employment or training
We support young people to achieve their aims, goals and ambitions, no matter what barriers they face. When young people are not in education, employment or training, there are often significant challenges holding them back from progressing.
Understanding a young person’s circumstances
Our NEET (not in education, employment or training) teams support young people aged from 16 up to 18. After this, we provide career services for adults, unless in cases of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), where the young person may have an education, health and care plan (EHCP). Some of the challenges we know our young people face which can impact them successfully entering into education, employment or training include:
• Mental health illness
• Physical illness
• Learning difficulties and disabilities
• Involvement in crime
• Poor experiences of education including low attendance and disrupted education
• No or low-level qualifications
• Home/care issues
• Pregnancy/parent
• Low confidence and motivation levels
• Drug/alcohol use
• Lack of appropriate opportunities and provision
Understanding the challenges our young people are dealing with is the starting point to helping them in a meaningful way. We work with key partner organisations, parents and carers, and the young people themselves to understand these circumstances.
Speaking with the other agencies these young people have worked helps us to get a full picture of that young person and their story so far. We have robust referral channels for those leaving schools and colleges without planned next steps.
Working one-to-one with each young person
Our advisers use their expertise to get to know each young person and help them to work towards their next steps. We provide ongoing support with regular contact. Here are some of the skills we value when working with young people:
• Communication – Keeping the young person at the centre of the interaction. We adapt the way we communicate to meet their individual needs, using methods they are comfortable with and speaking at times they are reachable.
• Building relationships – The key to a successful relationship with a young person is trust. It is important that we deliver on promises and are there to support them. They may have felt let down before, and we provide consistency.
• Identifying barriers – Helping young people to identify barriers to their next steps and patterns of behaviour which are preventing their progression.
• Multi-agency working – Working effectively with a wide range of professionals to support young people.
• Advocating on behalf of young people – Ensuring that the young person's voice is heard, and their needs met, by advocating for them.
• Celebrating the 'small' steps – For some of the young people we are working with sitting down with us for a chat is a huge step forward for them. It is important that we work at their pace and recognise their achievements however small they are.
Our teams work with all young people for two years after they leave compulsory education to support them in overcoming these challenges and make a successful transition into a route they have identified as best for them.
Work ready assessments
We carry out work ready assessments with all young people to help us plan for the future and give the most appropriate help and support needed. This can mean advocating on their behalf to source support or provision or referring them to specialist services.
One Careers Adviser provides the main point of contact for the young person and their family in what can feel like a difficult and uncertain period in their lives.
Following up and checking in
Once a young person has accepted a job or learning opportunity, we help them get started. We talk to them about any initial concerns and difficulties. Our goal is for them to be happy and settled and this might require some adjustments and additional support.
No young person is beyond support
We never give up on a young person and continue to try and engage with clients and help them navigate the complexities of their situation to reach a point where they feel they can move on.
The goal is not always employment, education or training, which can often be the last thing on their list of priorities. Our work may be supporting them in understanding their barriers and giving them the confidence and motivation to positively move forward.
Where a young person is nearing the end of their time with us, we seek to engage them with other services who work with 18+ to ensure a smooth transition for continued support.
We can offer comprehensive information to these services to enhance the referral process and allow the clients’ story to be told and understood by any new agencies working with them in the future.
If you’d like to find out more about our work with NEET young people, get in touch with us on 01484 242000 or email