NEET reduction success across Calderdale and Kirklees
C+K manages the NEET contracts for Calderdale Council and Kirklees Council We are proud to say that both local authorities are currently placed the top performing quintile – Q1. But how did we do it?
This means that the number of young people not in employment, education or training is in the lowest 20% nationally and both local authorities are in the top 25 performing areas in the country. In addition, Calderdale Council was also the best performing local authority in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
This success is due largely to a collaborative approach that combines proven systems, processes and a team of professionals who are able to build trusted relationships with young people.
With 20 years' experience managing NEET contracts, even the increased pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic were negated. For many years, we have utilised digital technology to track individuals and communicate quickly with partners and stakeholders. When the world rapidly increased its digital capability in March 2020, we were able to take advantage of this and integrate these adaptations into our systems. This directly improved data gathering and significantly increased response times across our areas.
Improving the lives of young people and the communities we work within is a key principle of C+K. Reducing NEET numbers means improved social and economic benefits (fewer people claiming benefits, more people spending money, less crime etc), less pressure on services such as health and housing and the creation of more vibrant communities.
This success is now leading to requests from other areas to develop a range of NEET services based on the C+K delivery model. One of our products generating interest is our ‘Strategic NEET Audit’ – a remote or on-site audit that evaluates current NEET services and identifies recommendations that can be made to increase performance.
C+K Head of Services, Louise Nellist said: “In what has been a very difficult and challenging year, I am so proud of what the team has achieved. However, they couldn’t have done it without the wider network of education professionals, local authority staff, and the community partners that we work closely with. Whilst we are pleased that the NEET/Not knowns amongst 16-18 year olds across Kirklees and Calderdale are so low, we remain committed to inspiring and supporting young people to embrace the learning opportunities that will enable them to live their best lives.”
If you would like more information on how we have reduced NEET figures in Calderdale and Kirklees or our range of NEET services, please contact the C+K NEET team on 01484 242200.