Our impartial careers IAG services enable schools and colleges to deliver a careers programme that supports young people to maximise their career journey.
Discover our services for schools and collegesC+K works with local authorities and other service providers to deliver a range of services designed to reduce the number of young people who are NEET, and support adults into positive destinations.
Discover our services for local authoritiesOur dedicated Professional Services Team are committed to building relationships with businesses and employers to enable them to successfully work with local cohorts of young people and adults.
Discover our services for business and employersC+K delivers a range of employability and careers guidance services for adults.
Discover our careers services for adultsC+K has over 25 years experience in delivering high quality, impartial careers guidance and advice services meaning we are best placed to help you:
Check out the C+K shop and buy a range of careers information resources online.
Commissioned by Calderdale Council and funded by West Yorkshire Combined Authority, C+K has produced a range of resources to inform and inspire people about digital and green careers.
C+K are celebrating retaining the matrix Standard accreditation, recognising their excellence and effectiveness as an all-age guidance provider and in supporting individuals' learning and career development.
For over 25 years we have been providing high quality, career-enhancing services for young people and adults.
Based in West Yorkshire we employ over 100 staff. Whilst primarily we deliver intensive support across Calderdale and Kirklees, we work with organisations, schools and colleges across the UK.
Our MyDirections site features information specific to young people. You can access the site here.
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